Seduction is the new law of attraction.

Sacred Pleasure Rebels unite sensuality, spirituality and business growth. Download my new book and let pleasure lead the way with the 8 Principles of Feminine Business.

Download Your Ritual Guide Sacred Pleasure Rebel: Embrace the 8 Principles of Feminine Business

What would make you say “Oh my GOSH, that would be perfect for me!"

Knowing how you want to feel is the most powerful kind of clarity you can get. You know that every goal you are shooting for is really a desire for an experience. We all want to feel radically alive - that’s what we chase – not the actual goal itself.  

In every woman there is a wild and natural force. It's your feminine creative power, your life-force energy. The connection between sensual energy and money is undeniable. Ready to experience a life and business of power and velocity?  

Tap into your sensual feminine power and you naturally love the life you create.  

Schedule Your FREE  Peace, Profit and Pleasure Business Audit  

Don’t Take My Word For It. . . 

How this worked for others: Recently divorced and returning to the work force after three years at home with my children, I found myself without direction. My job search was not progressing and I began to feel like I was treading water, and getting nowhere. Dawn helped me to clarify what I wanted to do, which was so different from what I thought I should be doing. She guided me in finding solutions to the obstacles I saw before me. Even better, Dawn taught me how to get what I want out of life in general. I can use my new tools to land my perfect job, find the right house and, eventually, when I am ready, to find my soul mate. Thank you Dawn! Hey Dawn, wow, have I had a great week. First of all, I am doing really well with the intentions we set a couple weeks ago- I told you I deposited 150% of my intention Friday, and then this Friday, at the last moment, a check came in to put me over the 200% mark. Awesome! And as for the intentions we set for my wonderful relationship- all I can say is: holy burnin’ bushes! this stuff works fast. I can't believe the wonderful things I've heard come out of (their) mouth since we talked! It’s been nothing but "caring", "generosity to others", "helping a community", and even "feeling good to get the luck flowing in the right direction". We've been laughing a lot more than usual, and making plans for fun and helping in the near future! Again, holy smokes! There is no way this is a coincidence- it could NOT have happened without my being MUCH more open to it. THANK YOU so much for being available to talk about that kind of thing- you framed it up just perfect for me! Dawn really helped me get clear about what I want and how to manifest that. I doubled mybusiness in less than a month. I no longer feel like I’m stuck responding to circumstance but like I create it. I can use the principles I’ve learned here in all areas of my life. Dawn helped me to lead differently in my life and business. She has a beautiful way of melding the business world with your inner core and giving yourself permission to embrace it. She is very skilled, compassionate and extremely professional. I would highly recommend her.  

Schedule Your FREE  Peace, Profit and Pleasure Business Audit