Calling All Cannabis Medicine Keepers

  • Are you cannabis positive?
  • Do you like hanging out with spiritual people?
  • Want to create powerful transformational events, but don't know how?
  • Struggling to heal your drama?

"If you’re looking for a tool that can help you heal your drama, open up new insights and connect with yourself, ceremonial plant medicine is the answer. Learn the power of cannabis as plant medicine, how it can help you create powerful healing ceremonies and the importance of sacred ceremonies to achieving your goals. "

After 4 marriages.

3 divorces.

6 pregnancies.

5 births.

2 lost custody battles.

2 bonus kids.

2 recessions.

1 law change erasing a 300K business.

I child in recovery

and 36 years of successful entrepreneurship. . .

I learned that reclaiming my own peace of mind and integrity is the most important intention that I could ever have. It is more important than the money, the recognition or any of the perks.

Liberation is the goal and the tools that have helped me the most have been breathwork, using plant medicine as a trauma-healing medicine and owning my own sacred sensuality. If you have a deep desire to serve and want to be part of shifting the cannabis culture to one of healing and spiritual expansion, join me for my Cannabis Medicine Keeper Training.

This is an invitation only training, so get on my schedule and and see if this is right for you.



p.s. check out the text I got a few days ago from a ceremony participant and student. It's feedback like that that motivated me to put this program together.

Schedule Here